4D Analytics

Group By

No Grouping: The data points will be listed without any grouping.

  • Group By Parent: The data points will be listed on the data form showing their parent container, as shown below.
  • Group By Grandparent: The data points will be listed on the data form showing their grandparent container, so another level up.
  • Order By: Alphabetical: The parent containers (if shown) and point names will be listed alphabetically Same as treeview: The parent containers (if shown) and point names will be listed in the order they appear in the underlying organisation Treeview.
  • Values: Display Last Value. The latest value (value associated with most recent timetag in database) will be shown on the data entry form next to the text entry box for that point.
Note: If the option Display Time is not set then only the last value with its date will be shown.
  • Default Empty values to Zero: You can set up a form so that if only ½ the values are entered because that was all that is available, then zeros will be inserted for any item you have not entered in that set.

Date/Time Default

  • Date: The default date to use when the data form opens. This can be set to Today, First Day of this month, First day of last month, Last day of this month, and Last day of last month. Of course, if the date field is shown on the data form then the user can just select a new date for themselves. If it is not shown then this is the date that will be used to store data for the data form against.
  • Time: The default time that is to be used when a data form widget is opened/displayed. This is set in Hours, Minutes and Seconds (milliseconds are set to 0 on any data saved). The user can overtype these values on the data form widget if the time is displayed.


  • Display Heading: whether the name of the data form is to be displayed as below.


Recalculate After Data Entry: This is for small deployments. With this option set, then every calculation on the site will be wound back to the date/time on this form and submitted to the calculator for immediate recalculation. This option may not be present in a particular system deployment.

  • Allow Grid Entry: When selected, it puts a grid icon on the form against each point that allows a grid entry window to be opened.

Min / Max / No. of Decimal Places

Configure a Min / Max value for a point. If configured this can be seen in the live widget as a tooltip, and the entered value is coloured green for OK, or red for not within range. This is only a visual guidance, and is not enforced (i.e., it is still possible to enter and save out of range values).

  • Configure No. of Decimal places to be displayed for values.

Lookup List

By clicking on the Lookup List cell for a particular row you can Allocate a Lookup List, De-Allocate a Lookup List, maintain Lookup List options and create a new Lookup List.

To create a new Lookup List type a name into the Lookup List selection field in the pop up window and add at least one valid lookup option, then click on Save Changes. This Lookup List can then be allocated to a measurement point if required.

  • Allocate - Assign the selected lookup list to the highlighted measurement point in the main grid.
  • De-Allocate - Remove the selected lookup list from the highlighted measurement point in the main grid.
  • Add Row - Adds a new blank row to enter a new lookup option.
  • Remove Selected - Deletes a lookup option.
  • To edit an existing lookup option - Double-click on the lookup value (code) or the lookup description (Desc) to change it.
  • Save Changes - Save the changes made to the database.

Delete Form

A data entry form definition can be removed by clicking the Delete Form button at the bottom of the page. The Delete Form option is only accepted when a form has been selected for editing.

Use on a Widget

The data entry form number in the example used in our previous definition section is entered into the Date Entry Form configuration. The default is 0, which means that no form will be shown. For more details please refer to the Data Entry widget help file.